How Far is the 3-Point Line? Comprehensive Guide in 2023

How Far is the 3-Point Line

If you’ve ever played or watched basketball, you know how important the 3-point line is to the game. It’s useful for distinguishing between the two-point region and the three-point line. It’s normally placed a certain distance away from the basket.

So, what is the purpose of the 3-point line? Depending on the play, this line fulfills a variety of functions. Any shooter who gets beyond this point should ideally score three points for the team. Keep in mind that field goals might be two or three points.

Furthermore, anytime there is a throw, this line will be used to split participants. The team making the throw will have three players on the line during this period, one of whom will be the shooter.

It is also reasonable for you to be aware of the contour of this line. It usually occurs in the form of an arc with two straight lines. Not only are these lines parallel, but they also protrude from either end. They’ll be three feet away from the sidelines after you get them there.

Interestingly, several 3-point lines may be found. You’ll see 3-point lines from high school, college, the NBA, WNBA, and other leagues. Perhaps we should investigate each of them in order for you to have a better understanding.

The following are some of them. The 4-point line is a longer 3-point line used in basketball to incentivize players to take more long-range shots. The distance varies but is typically 22-28 feet from the basket.

How Far is the 3-Point Line

High School 3-Point Line

The 3-point line in high school is around 19 feet and 19 inches from the basket. A straight line stretching 5 feet, 3 inches from the baseline is included. The distance is approximately 6.32 meters in meters.

This might be due to the fact that their court is significantly shorter than the NBA’s. Middle school students will also be covered by this dimension.

1. G League and NBA

In this league, the 3-point line is normally around 23 feet and 9 inches long, or 7.24 meters. Remember, this is a professional league, thus they will always cover more ground than other leagues. You can only anticipate their arc to be considerably more important with such developments.

2. College

A -point arc of around 20 feet and 9 inches from the hoop is commonly expected by collegiate players. When translated, this distance is 6.32 meters.


It would be unjust not to include the women’s league’s 3-point arc distance. Theirs are usually around 22 feet and 2 inches long, which is nearly 2 feet shorter than the NBA’s. This might be due to the size of their court, which is sometimes substantially smaller.

4. Fiba

The European leagues are represented by Fiba. In this continent, the normal 3-point is around 22 feet and 2 inches, or 6.75 meters. It is comparable to the women’s league, however, it is shorter than the NBA.

Indeed, this phrase has had a significant impact on the game’s overall experience. Not only has it changed the way people toss the ball, but it has also changed the way they take shots. You can’t ignore the reality that we have a lot of individuals who can throw the ball far.

Perhaps it is for this reason that the breadth of this arc has been constantly changing. Let’s take a look back at the history of this line. The three-point line was first used in the American Basketball League in 1961. It lasted only two seasons since the league disbanded after only one and a half years.

It wasn’t revived until the middle of the 1960s. Throughout this time, the arc underwent several adjustments. The distance from the basket has been changed several times, and it has consistently produced the greatest results.

For example, data show that once this line was reinstated, Michael Jordan’s shooting accuracy increased. This means that the game is not only better but also capable of improving the players’ abilities with this line.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the 3-point line in basketball?

The 3-point line is the designated area beyond which a shot made counts as three points instead of two.

How far is the 3-point line in the NBA?

The 3-point line in the NBA is set at a distance of 23 feet, 9 inches (7.24 meters) from the center of the basket.

How far is the 3-point line in college basketball?

The 3-point line in college basketball is set at a distance of 22 feet (6.71 meters) from the center of the basket


In conclusion, the 3-point line is a critical aspect of the game of basketball, and its distance from the basket is regulated to ensure that the game is played fairly and consistently across different levels of play.

In the NBA, the 3-point line is set at a distance of 23 feet, 9 inches (7.24 meters) from the center of the basket, while in college basketball, it is set at 22 feet (6.71 meters) from the center of the basket, and in high school basketball, it is set at 19 feet, 9 inches (6.02 meters) from the center of the basket.

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